So i have no followers, i know no one on here and never have comments... Nothings changed on the blog since last time i posted...probably a year ago. But so much has changed in life. So many things happened, so many people left, some of the closest. In some ways everyone has gone,because I'm no longer with them.
One person though, has come into my life, the most important one. I finally feel awake, i do not feel as if life is a dream, that we live all in a constant coma, that there is no reason for each second we spend here. It all makes sense now. I know if i have her by my side, that nothing can pull me down under again. That when she kisses my lips, it wipes all the pain, the worries, the sorrow away. Shes the fire inside my chest that keeps me working, that keeps me moving. Once you find your true love, you see the good in life. I need her,all of her, just for me. My heart beats fast for her. My heart beats constantly inside her chest.